Think Series Not Just Articles When Writing Freelance

Tip 'o the mornin, to ye, fellow +Bubblers --what's that? I misspelled "top"? Nope! I meant to. That's the name of my newest series +Freelance-tip-o-the-mornin and it's also my first tip. Think series when you write. Don't squash all your good idea eggs in one teeny-weeny basket. Give them room to breathe and grow.

You may have read my comments on your article "this would make a good series." I'm not suggesting you're doing anything wrong. I'm complimenting you on writing so much good information that each idea needs its own URL!   Logo comes from Bubblews, new highly addictive paid writing site I found. Freeelance Tip O the Mornin--Think Series


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