Cheap Spring Break Staycation Fun for WAHM, Parents Who Can't Get Away

Does 'Spring Break" seem like an oxymoron to you? No money to go anywhere just the two of you, let alone with the kids? Stuck working all week? House full of kids and friends looking for entertainment? Hearing all about your neighbor's trip to Hawaii? Yes, please rub it in with photos of you at the luau and describe how beautiful it was. It doesn't make me jealous, not at all. What was I doing? Oh, listening to kids complain how "everybody" is going to Miami. Defrosting the fridge, washing windows, cleaning up after endless messes (usually not mine)? Why don't you get away, you deserve it, says Hawaii gal, virtuously. What part of CAN'T AFFORD IT don't you understand? If this sounds familiar, hang in there. Here are some first aid for Spring Break homebound. Maybe not Hawaii, but cheaper and no chance to fall into a volcano.  How to Enjoy (or Just Survive) Spring Break when You Don't Get One


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